How did I become the voice of Werther’s Original?

Whenever I say I’m a voiceover artist, people always ask, “What TV adverts have you done?”.  And I always reply with, “Have you seen the Werther’s Original advert with the girl on the train?”, to which most people answer, “Yes! That’s you?!”. Yes, it is me as the voice, but I am not the girl you see sitting on the train.

Here’s the advert, in case you’re wondering what I’m talking about!

This TV advert is the easiest reference I can make to my work that is relatable. But honestly, I mainly work on corporate videos and don’t voice TV adverts as frequently. I have done my fair share over the last eight or so years, but it’s actually not my main source of work in the VO world.

However, that being said, let me explain how I became the voice of Werther’s Original on an advert that has been running since 2020, and is easily my biggest claim to fame!

Like many voiceover artists, I’m registered with multiple pay-to-play platforms that send through auditions to me every day. One platform had an audition for a job that was listed as a ‘layout for a commercial’. This means that a production company wishes to use a temporary voiceover to create and test an advert, before they move to the final production, including the voiceover. I was successful in becoming the temporary voice on the ‘layout’ stage of Werther’s Original commercial and was then selected to become the final voice featured in the advert, following on from a selection process of other VO artists.

As the chosen voice for the female part of the advert, I had to retake the script I had already recorded, but this time with the Creative Director listening in during a live recording session and directing. This produced a slightly different version of the script, and this was then added to the final version of the commercial.

This advert has been hugely successful for Werther’s Original and, as a result, they have chosen to run it for many, many years across multiple TV channels, on demand and on their digital channels. For me, the success of this is really down to the audition process – auditioning for every job you think is suitable for you, every single day! You never know when the next exciting job is going to arrive in your inbox.



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