Voicing a Google Home Device

In what is one of my all-time favourite voiceover jobs, I was thrilled to be selected to voice a Google Home Device in a brilliantly funny advert for Google Cloud NetApp Volumes.

You can watch the advert here.

After auditioning for the part, I was delighted to be selected from the short list to take part in this production. Due to the unique nature of the advert, the production team and I had a meeting to discuss my role first before a live directed session to record the voiceover, with the directors and producers listening in and directing.

My role was really to pastiche a Google home device voice, by making it sound more robotic and synthetised than normal, to really drive home that it was the device talking and interacting with the live action element of the advert.

We had a couple of live directed sessions over the course of a few weeks, to really capture what the director had in mind. And each session was enormous fun and this project was a fantastic experience from a creative perspective.

This was a great project to be a part of and I love the finished advert!


How did I become the voice of Werther’s Original?